Baglione 2016_Post-Soviet Russia at Twenty-Five

The macro and micro levels of International Relations, respectively, are the discipline as a whole and individual scholars within it.   To see a larger version, left-click the image. To view the file zoomed in, right-click the image and select “Open in…

Fukuyama 1989_The End of History?

The macro and micro levels of International Relations, respectively, are the discipline as a whole and individual scholars within it. To see a larger version, left-click the image. To view the file zoomed in, right-click the image and select “Open in New…

Donaldson 2010_Russia and Foreign Policy

The macro and micro levels of Russia, respectively, are government and society. To see a larger version, left-click the image. To view the file zoomed in, right-click the image and select “Open in New Tab”. On the new tab, press the “Ctrl”…