Tag Europe

Neumann 2010_Diplomacy and Diplomats

The macro and micro levels of International Relations, respectively, are the discipline as a whole and individual scholars within it.   To see a larger version, left-click the image. To view the file zoomed in, right-click the image and select “Open in…

Smith 2010_European Foreign Policy

The macro and micro levels of this system correspond, respectively, to the discipline as a whole and individual scholars within it. To see a larger version, left-click the image. To view the file zoomed in, right-click the image and select “Open in New Tab”. On the…

Asif 2020 The Newness in New Area Studies

The macro and micro levels of this system correspond, respectively, to the discipline as a whole and individual scholars within it. To see a larger version, left-click the image. To view the file zoomed in, right-click the image and select “Open in New Tab”. On the…

Sliwinski 2018_Human Rights

The micro and macro levels of this system correspond, respectively, to actors and interactions among them. To see a larger version, left-click the image. To view the file zoomed in, right-click the image and select “Open in New Tab”. On the new…